
We acknowledge and thank the many authors who have contributed to the 3D Resources collections.

Contributor Resources
Chris Meaney. NASA 74
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory - Solar System Simulator 34
NASA Ames Research Center 28
Michael Carbajal. NASA Headquarters 26
Dr. Carol Christian, HST Outreach Project Scientist and 3D Astronomy@STScI Team Lead 22
Brian Kumanchik, Christian Lopez. NASA/JPL-Caltech 20
NASA Johnson Space Center 19
Ames SpaceShop 19
Brian Kumanchik, NASA/JPL-Caltech 15
Richard Kim 15
DigitalSpace Corporation 14
Eyes on the Solar System. NASA/JPL-Caltech 10
G. Allen Gary, Center for Space Plasma and Aeronomic Research, The University of Alabama in Huntsville 8
Francis Reddy, University of Maryland, College Park and NASA Goddard 7
William Keeter, DMI/NASA 7
Doug Ellison / NASA-JPL 7
STEM Innovation Lab / Heliophysics Education Consortium 6
Matthew Garcia 6
Christian A. Lopez. NASA/JPL-Caltech 6
Northeast Planetary Data Center, NASA RPIF System, Seth S Horowitz & Peter H. Schultz 5
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory 5
Christopher M. Garcia. NASA/JPL-Caltech 5
NASA LaRC Advanced Concepts Lab, AMA Studios 4
Kevin Lane. NASA/JPL-Caltech 4
NASA Johnson Space Center - Space Educators' Handbook 3
NASA/JPL-Caltech 3
INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo/ Salvatore Orlando 3
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 3
Made In Space, Inc.(MIS)/NASA MSFC 2
Salvatore Orlando (INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo) & NASA/CXC/SAO/A.Jubett et al. 2
Walt Feimer, Conceptual Image Lab, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 2
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 2
Dr. Thomas I. Madura 2
Johnson Space Center Integrated Graphics, Operations, and Analysis Laboratory (IGOAL) 2
NASA HEAT/J. Patrick Haas 2
Janice Lee and Robert Hurt, IPAC at Caltech 1
Maxar Technologies 1
Michael R. Fiske, In-Space Manufacturing Program, NASA/MSFC Jacobs Space Exploration Group 1
Matthew A. Simon 1
citizen science project 1
NASA's Gateway Program Office 1
David Tucker/NASA LARC 1
Jason Schuler, Dew Smith, AJ Nick 1
Steve Kirsche 1
RIKEN/G. Ferrand, et al & NASA/CXC/SAO/A. Jubett, N. Wolk & K. Arcand 1
NASA/STScI/F.Summers, et al.; NASA/Caltech /IPAC/R.Hurt; NASA/CXC/SAO/N.Wolk, et al. 1
INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo/S. Ustamujic et al; 3D print: NASA/CXC/SAO/A. Jubett et al. 1
Steve Gribben, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab 1
Zachary Gwennap and Liam Brinton 1
Matthew Verdier, NASA’s Kennedy Space Center 1
April Lanotte 1
Boeing 1
NASA Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate, Liam Brinton 1
Manuel de León 1
Ball Aerospace 1
Dana Berry. NASA/Kepler Mission 1
Christopher M. Garcia, Christian A. Lopez. NASA/JPL-Caltech 1
Carlo Conti 1
Steffen, Teodoro, Madura, et al. MNRAS 2014 1
ISEE-3 Reboot Project 1
Kris Capraro et al. NASA/JPL-Caltech 1
NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute/David Napolillo 1
Dave Doody 1
Ed Summers, Matthew Horn SAS/NASA 1
John Doroshenko, Rutgers University 1
Model: NASA/CXC/MIT/T.Delaney et al. Based on data from: X-ray: Chandra (NASA/CXC/SAO); IR: Spitzer (NASA/JPL-Caltech); Optical: MDM (R.Fesen) & NOAO 1
SOFIA Outreach 1
JSC Integrated Graphics, Operations, and Analysis Laboratory 1
Jack Braine. NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/JPL-Caltech 1
Robert Hillan, Future Engineers Challenge 1
Michael C. Nolan/Arecibo Observatory/NASA/NSF 1
Alex Arredondo/NASA IV&V 1
D. Heihn, SwRI 1
Michael Zemba, NASA/GRC, Advanced High Frequency Branch. 1
NASA SLS Program Office 1
Sam Neblett / NASA Kennedy Space Center 1
Francis Reddy and Jeff Livas, Astrophysics Science Division, NASA Goddard 1
Apollo 11 boot print