Mars Trek provides an exciting way for students, citizen scientists, and the public to explore some of Mars' most spectacular landforms as well as NASA areas of operation on Mars' surface. Data gathered from multiple instruments aboard multiple NASA Mars missions provide diverse views for Mars Trek's user-friendly set of tools including interactive maps, 3-D printer-exportable topography, and standard keyboard gaming controls for flying high or low above Mars' surface.
Vesta trek is a free, web-based application that provides detailed visualizations of the asteroid Vesta, one of the largest asteroids in our solar system. Data gathered from multiple instruments aboard NASA's Dawn spacecraft have been compiled into Vesta Trek's user-friendly set of tools including interactive maps, 3-D printer-exportable topography, and standard keyboard gaming controls for flying high or low above Vesta's surface.
NASA's Lunar Mapping and Modeling Portal (LMMP) is a sophisticated suite of web-based data visualization tools designed for mission planning, lunar science, and public outreach. Data from a wide range of instruments across a wide range of lunar missions are integrated into interactive stackable layers and analysis tools. LMMP supports downloading of data from the Planetary Data System, and supports collaborative work, allowing open sharing as well as posting of data to private groups.
View videos, animations, and images of the Eta Carinae's Homunculus Nebula.
The new Spitzer VR modules include a narrated tour of the telescope and an all-new interactive experience where you learn to control the telescope, learn how it observes the sky from its unique vantage point in space, and collect data on a selection of objects that Spitzer has observed over the years.
More than a dozen NASA satellites constantly monitor our planet's vital signs. Explore the planet with these missions in real time in an immersive 3D environment.
Change time in space across the Solar System! Explore using actual spacecraft and track progress real time in an immersive 3D environment.
NetworKing is a game that allows you to take on the role of Network Manager and puts you in charge of building up a communications network that you will use to support scientific missions.
Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) provides communications services for NASA's missions. This interactive demo shows how SCaN's ground and space based facilities interact with NASA spacecraft.
Experience the thrill of conducting repair work on the International Space Station! As an astronaut, can you complete each of seven space walks to help install a new solar array?