Crab Nebula
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  • Hold right-click to pan

The Crab Nebula shows the remains of an exploded star located about 6,500 light years from Earth. The powerhouse "engine" energizing the Crab system is a pulsar, a rapidly spinning neutron star, shooting out pulses of radiation 30 times a second. X-ray information from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory was used to create a three-dimensional representation of the Crab. The X-ray structure shows the pulsar and a ringed disk of energized material, with jets of particles that fire off from opposite ends of the energetic pulsar.

Crab Nebula (disc).stl
5.67MB STL
Crab Nebula (jet 1).stl
2.79MB STL
Crab Nebula (jet 2).stl
3.21MB STL
Crab Nebula.stl
14.69MB STL
Crab Nebula.blend
13.63MB Blender
Crab Nebula.fbx
6.32MB FBX